Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Blog and some New Videos

My dear brothers and sisters:

In just another couple of weeks, as you read in my last posting, I will be completing my term as Cathedral Rector. For that reason I will be leaving this blog to my successor, Monsignor Johnson. If you would like to continue to follow some of my homilies, talks, and other news, however, I invite you to visit my new blog:

I will be "double posting" on these blogs for the next two weeks. After that point, I will be posting only on the dignum et iustum blog.

I also wanted to let you know that videos of four of the presentations from the Cathedral Conference for Life are now available as streaming video:

The presentations by Susan Wills (The Measure of Love is to Love Without Measure), Richard Doerflinger (Legislative Issues), Bishop Robert McManus (USCCB Healcare Directives) and Monsignor James Moroney (Praying for Life).

Pax et Bonum,

Monsignor Moroney