Epiphany 2011
In the very beginning it was dark. So dark that chaos enveloped the earth. But with the breath of God, Fiat Lux, the sun warmed the day and the moon and the stars guided the night.
And each day since, we have been a part of a never-ending struggle between darkness and light. The darkness seeks to vanquish the light...the powers of darkness seek to return us to the primordial chaos from which God has delivered us.
But God’s creative love perdures. As a pillar of light leading us into the promised land.
And in the fullness of time, a star leads wise men to him who is the light of the world, who through the blinding light of his paschal dying and rising vanquishes the darkness of sin, and even of death. So that we never need be afraid of the dark, ever again.
That light found a home deep within each one of us on the day of our Baptism and we will be judged some day on how well we have kept that light burning. He who is light will look deep within our hearts to see if that flame has survived the onslaughts of those dark forces with which we do battle every day and whether our lamps are still burning brightly with his love.
For if they are, our souls will be joined to the lights of heaven to illumine a shining city on a hill for all to see we. If are illumined by his truth and let his mercy shine on all who hate us, then the powers of darkness and death don't stand a chance.
For in the end, when there will be no more need for the sun or the moon or the stars, the Son of God will be our light, as the heavenly Jerusalem, our final home, gleams in his reflected splendor for all eternity.
Light dispelling darkness is our hope, our choice, and our destiny.
Monsignor James P. Moroney