Mission Sunday 2010
“You are the Christ”
Jesus turns to his disciples and to us and utters those stark words: Who do you say I am? To which Peter boldly responds: You are the Christ of God.
Such a dangerous profession commits each one us to believe...
- To believe that the purpose of life is to so cling to his cross that we die to our sinful selves and rise with him in glory.
- To believe that we are obliged to preach him by the manner of our lives to the ends of the earth.
- To believe that we will be judged on whether we have loved unto death the little ones whom everyone else has forgotten.
That is why I am honored to welcome Alicia Butkiewicz, the Director of Missions for Maryknoll Lay Missioners, who will speak to us after Communion in order that we might take up a collection for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. I urge you to listen carefully to her witness, to be generous to her cause, and to seek to live by her example, as together we seek to live as those who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!
Monsignor James P. Moroney