Wednesday, October 14, 2009


On Thursday last, Nick Desimone, one of our wonderful seminarian interns from this past summer, was ordained a deacon by in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. If you wish to send a card of congratulations to Nick, his address is: Deacon Nicholas Desimone
Pontifical North American College
Via del Gianicolo, 14
00120 Vatican City State

The promises taken at a diaconal ordination largely describe the deacon’s role and ministry in the Church. Many of you who were at the ordination of Deacon Colin and Deacon Tony a few months ago will recall the promises they took:

Do you resolve to be consecrated for the Church's ministry by the laying on of my hands and the gift of the Holy Spirit?
Do you resolve to discharge the office of deacon with humble charity in order to assist the priestly Order and to benefit the Christian people?
Do you resolve to hold fast to the mystery of faith with a clear conscience, as the Apostle urges, and to proclaim this faith in word and deed according to the Gospel and the Church's tradition?
Do you resolve to keep for ever this commitment as a sign of your dedication to Christ the Lord for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, in the service of God and man?
Do you resolve to maintain and deepen the spirit of prayer that is proper to your way of life and, in keeping with this spirit and what is required of you, to celebrate faithfully the Liturgy of the Hours with and for the People of God and indeed for the whole world?
Do you resolve to conform your way of life always to the example of Christ, of whose Body and Blood you are ministers at the altar?

Please join me in thanking God for the great gift of Worcester’s newest deacon. I am in Rome this week (although I missed the ordination by one day!) and will assure Nick of your fervent prayers!