The parishioners of Saint Paul's Cathedral are an incredible group! Not only did they give the second highest donation to Partners in Charity, but when asked to help the Diocese make it over the top, they dug even deeper and gave an additional $8,738 last weekend. They were instrumental in helping Bishop McManus meet this year’s goal and, in a very tangible way, once again proved themselves worthy of being a Cathedral Parish: so unambiguously joined to the Bishop and his mission in serving the Pastoral, Charitable and Educational ministries of the Church that he knows he can always count on them.
Nor can we forget the extraordinary labors of Monsignor Sullivan, who inspired us all to even greater heights and who day-to-day spends himself for the Church in so many unseen ways. It is, in a very real way, thanks to his tireless efforts that this appeal was, once again, a success. The “Pastor of the 7:15am Mass” should be in each of our grateful prayers.