Saturday, August 29, 2009


Summertime provides us with a break from the routine of the rest of the year. The warmth of summer’s rays and the cool late summer evenings are God’s own invitation to rest in the Lord!

At the same time, the need for support of our many Cathedral ministries goes on. As so many of our parishioners go on vacation, weekly collections lessen and contributions to our special ministries become more sparse. While many of you have generously responded to my appeals to help keep our weekly collections up to date, we have been experiencing a fall-off in contributions to our Outreach ministries in the past few months.

Through our Elderly Outreach Ministry, our Cathedral Food Pantry (one of the largest in the State of Massachusetts!), and emerging new ministries, the neediest among us are cared for in the name of Christ.

Under the gentle and dedicated guidance of Rosemarie Highlands, so wonderfully assisted by Coralie Nideur and Gladys Wood, our Elderly Outreach Ministries assist seniors in accessing social services in order to address these and other problems. Through the Saint Paul’s Elder Outreach Program elders in our community have received assistance in applying for Massachusetts health benefits, fuel assistance and tax abatements. In addition, elders are helped with their medical concerns by having a staff member arrange for transportation and accompany them to medical and rehabilitation appointments.

Also, volunteers have delivered much needed medications and groceries. Through a simple home visit the Senior Support Team is able to identify elders’ needs and address them as required. Depending on the willingness of the elder to accept assistance from the Saint Paul’s Elder Outreach Program, it can be a rather simple process.

But even if the elder is unwilling to accept help, there is possibly much that the Senior Support Team can do to help. It is important for the elder to know that there are people available who are concerned and care about them.

Exciting new Social Service ministries are being planned for this fall, including an association of volunteer social workers to help the homeless, the hungry and the many folks who come to us in need. In addition, medical ministries are becoming an increasing concern, including a series of workshops on the H1N1 influenza virus and panels to provide basic educational on medical issues for our many constituencies at the Cathedral Church!

While donations are always needed, I thank you most of all for your prayers for this good work. May God teach us how to love those who need us the most!