Next weekend we say good bye to some old and dear friends. The Franciscan Sisters Minor have been a part of the Cathedral Parish since just a short time before I arrived as your rector. Through your generous support, they have lived a life of contemplation and evangelization on behalf of the Church in downtown Worcester.
During the past year, however, the sisters have been engaged in a time of discernment, as the Franciscan Brothers Minor have moved to the Diocese of South Bend in Indiana. After much prayer, the sisters made the decision to move to South bend, where they will be welcomed by Bishop Kevin Rhoades.
They will be dearly missed, but will never be far from our prayers here at Saint Paul’s Cathedral. Please join me next weekend after the 10:15am Mass in bidding the sisters farewell in the Cenacle with coffee and donuts and aching hearts! You, our dear sisters, will never be far from our hearts!
Also next weekend at the 10:15am mass we will be commemorating the installation of the new officers of our Cathedral Chapter of the Knights of Columbus. I strongly encourage all of the men of our parish to consider becoming a Knight. As a Knight for the past thirty years, I can tell you that the fraternity, good works, and devotion to the mission of the Church exhibited by the Knights of Columbus is second to none!
So, during the coming week (may God grant us a relief from the heat!) let us remember Sisters and Knights, and all God’s manifold gifts!
In the Lord,
Monsignor James P. Moroney